Ballet Scholarships
Abigail School of Dance understands what is required to be a great dancer and what it takes to achieve that goal. Therefore, we are excited to announce that we offering four scholarships for young aspiring ballet dancers who are dedicated and committed about learning classical ballet. We are offering two scholarships for for Beginning Ballet 1 and two scholarships for Intermediated Ballet.
Dancers must complete the following audition requirements:
Fill out scholarship application below before the deadline on September 12, 2023.
All applications must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. (EST)
Create a 60 second demo (see the ballet demonstration below for instructions).
Record yourself performing the steps facing the camera. Be sure that the camera captures your full body.
Upload your demo video below or email it to abigailschoolofdance@gmail.com
Complete the registration form.
Video Ballet Barre Demo Instructions
Please state your full name in the video and tell us why you want to take ballet class with Abigail School of Dance. If you are selected for the ballet program, please note that ballet classes are virtual through zoom.
The following movements must be executed in your video.
Piles - 2 demi, grand, releve, port de bras forward in first, second, third, fourth position
Tendus`- 3 tendu with demi pile en croix
Degage - degages with demi pile en croix
Coupe - from third/first front/back. 8 coupes to the front, 8 coupes to the back
Rond de jambe a terre - first position 2 rond de jambe dehors, 2 rond de jambe en dedans, and balance at retire` arms in 5th
Frappe - 4 en croix
Center - Ballet por de bra in all ballet position (first, second, third, fourth, fifth) with balance in first position. Jumps in first and second position.
Scholarship recipients will receive notification via email from abigailschoolofdance@gmail.com